Eat Fruit

Did you know that grape seeds contain compounds that may help ward off Alzheimer’s disease? Did you know that orange peel contains more vitamin C than the fruit itself? For more health benefits from fruits, check out the photo below and don’t forget to stock up the next time you are at the grocery store!Continue reading “Eat Fruit”

Diet & Fitness Tips From Celebrities

“Keep a food journal! It’s about making a conscious effort.” Carrie Underwood “I try not to eat once I get into bed.” Kate Beckinsale “Try a cleanse for a few days. I don’t recommend it all the time.” Jennifer Lopez “I think it’s important to eat a healthy breakfast every morning. I try not toContinue reading “Diet & Fitness Tips From Celebrities”

Skinny Bitch

If you haven’t read the Skinny Bitch yet, you should be warned! This is a book by two smart-mouthed girlfriends who do NOT sugar coat anything. Not everyone will agree with everything these ladies have to say, however they do back up their statements by mentioning research that has been done on the particular subjects.Continue reading “Skinny Bitch”