Word of mouth on steroids

Social media truly is like word of mouth on steroids. This is why:

-Youtube is he 2nd largest search engine in the world. 100,000,000 YouTube videos are viewed per day.

-New York Times calls Twitter “The fastest-growing phenomena on the internet”.  Twitter  added more than 100 million new registered accounts and saw 25 billion Tweets in 2010 alone.

-The Washington post calls Facebook “A class-act website”.  Facebook gets more traffic than any other website on the internet.

-There are over 200,000 blogs. A new blog is created somewhere in the world every half a second.

-Kindle ebooks outsold paper books on Christmas.

-Wikipedia has over 13 million articles.

-Flickr now hosts more than 4 billion images.

-80% of companies use social media for recruitment.

-1 out of 8 couples married in the US met via social media.

-In 2010, advertisers spend almost $1.7 billion on social media marketing in the US.

-Social media has overtaken porn as the number one activity on the web.

Social media has changed the world of marketing and advertising from monologue to dialogue. No business should exist without actively participating at least in one social media.

The Stylish Girl