Fashionistas need to think about retirement too

According to the Urban Dictionary, a fashionista is “a person devoted to fashion clothing, particularly unique or high fashion”. Being interested in fashion and beauty means forking out a lot of $$$$$! Sometimes investing in key pieces of clothing or high brand makeup, means better quality and longer lasting. While spending money in things thatContinue reading “Fashionistas need to think about retirement too”

Dress For Success

“To build a positive first impression, it’s better to air on the conservative side. You don’t want to wear something that you’d leave with the interviewers … that all they remember is that tattoo or nose ring.” – Kelly Van Aken, recruiting director for Aerotek According to Wikipedia, “business casual is a kind of middle groundContinue reading “Dress For Success”

Word of mouth on steroids

Social media truly is like word of mouth on steroids. This is why: -Youtube is he 2nd largest search engine in the world. 100,000,000 YouTube videos are viewed per day. -New York Times calls Twitter “The fastest-growing phenomena on the internet”.  Twitter  added more than 100 million new registered accounts and saw 25 billion Tweets inContinue reading “Word of mouth on steroids”