First and foremost, to improve your credit score you should eliminate debt. Stop using a credit card for purchases or don’t just pay the minimum balance at the end of the month, instead pay the whole balance. If you are not capable of paying the whole balance, then cut your credit card in half becauseContinue reading “Improve Your Credit Score”
Category Archives: Business
Smart Women Invest in Roth IRAs
Sometimes we have to make small sacrifices to have a better future. Passing on buying a pair of shoes might seem very hard to do, but investing that money towards your 401K will be so much more rewarding in the long run. The best way to invest in your future, is to convert your 401(k)Continue reading “Smart Women Invest in Roth IRAs”
Fashionistas need to think about retirement too
According to the Urban Dictionary, a fashionista is “a person devoted to fashion clothing, particularly unique or high fashion”. Being interested in fashion and beauty means forking out a lot of $$$$$! Sometimes investing in key pieces of clothing or high brand makeup, means better quality and longer lasting. While spending money in things thatContinue reading “Fashionistas need to think about retirement too”
Women Entrepreneurs
Starting a business takes time, innovative ideas and start-up cost. We tend to think that those who start their own business, come from a wealthy family and have inherited a lot of money or have some sort of financial support, however, in the study, “The Anatomy of an Entrepreneur”, the opposite proved to be true: -TheContinue reading “Women Entrepreneurs”
Dress For Success
“To build a positive first impression, it’s better to air on the conservative side. You don’t want to wear something that you’d leave with the interviewers … that all they remember is that tattoo or nose ring.” – Kelly Van Aken, recruiting director for Aerotek According to Wikipedia, “business casual is a kind of middle groundContinue reading “Dress For Success”
10 Facebook Facts
1. As of January 2011, Facebook has more than 650+ million active users. 2. FB tops Google for weekly traffic in the US. 3. FB added over 20 million users in less than a year. 4. If FB were a country, it would be the world’s 3rd largest. 5. More than 1.5 million pieces ofContinue reading “10 Facebook Facts”
Word of mouth on steroids
Social media truly is like word of mouth on steroids. This is why: -Youtube is he 2nd largest search engine in the world. 100,000,000 YouTube videos are viewed per day. -New York Times calls Twitter “The fastest-growing phenomena on the internet”. Twitter added more than 100 million new registered accounts and saw 25 billion Tweets inContinue reading “Word of mouth on steroids”