Wear Bright Colors

Spring fashion is all about beautiful blocks of bright colors. The runway and the red carpet have gotten a taste of the rainbow this season and now it’s your turn! The hottest trends entail wearing bright oranges, honeysuckle pinks, light corals, lemon yellows, bright cobalts, vibrant aquas, and bright fuchsias. Honeysuckle pink, which is very bright and has reddish undertones, was named color of the year by Pantone. The biggest challenge is finding the right away to wear these colors. Honeysuckle pink looks great with black and navy.  Orange looks good with khaki and white. Most brights can be paired with neutral colors such as camel or khaki. The trick is to pick colors that compliment your skin tone, eye color or hair. The right color will look more flattering than black would. Remember to mix contrasting colors that look well together or use a vibrant bag, shoes, belt or accessories to rev up an otherwise neutral outfit. Everyone looks better in brights if you follow the guidelines!

The Stylish Girl
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