How I Maintain My Goal Weight

As we get older, our metabolism slows down and it gets more challenging to get in shape and lose weight. There are five main things I incorporate in my lifestyle to maintain my goal weight.

1. Eat plant-based

I eat mostly natural foods. It’s easier to ingest whole foods from the earth than processed foods. Fruits and vegetables are full of vitamins and minerals. I choose to eat those foods that have maximum nutrition and benefits. As a result, I do not get sweet or salty cravings. When it comes to fats, I eat avocados and nuts instead of animal fat. Some of the foods I stay away from are white sugar, white flour and dairy. White sugar spikes insulin and promotes cancer growth. White flour is refined and stripped of all the nutrition. Milk is a baby cow growth formula and so are its byproducts such as yogurt, milk, butter and cheese.

2. Meal Prep

If you have a full-time job, family, personal and home projects, it seems almost impossible to stay on track when it comes to nutrition and weight goals unless you prep in advance. Some days become unexpectedly busy with long meetings and deadlines that weren’t originally planned. Or a child isn’t feeling good and needs additional attention. In those cases, it’s good to have a backup plan such as meals that have already been prepared. It’s advantageous to prepare some steamed vegetables, plant-based pasta or brown rice ahead of time.

3. Eat dinner early

When I used to work late evenings and then pick up some sort of carry out when leaving the office, my weight would show it. Once I started eating earlier in the morning and had my last meal hours before going to bed, it all started to change. Some would call this intermittent fasting. Intermittent fasting is controversial. It works in helping you lose weight, but also it drains your adrenaline. For me, eating dinner hours before going to bed, helps me sleep better. My body is not working on digesting the last meal, but instead, it’s regenerating, repairing and healing.

4. Incorporate exercise daily

When I am active, I am less likely to think about “junk food” and also less likely to wake up in the middle of the night stressed out from work or tasks that haven’t been completed yet. It’s crucial to move your body daily. Moving your body consistently is important for your physical strength, mental health and overall wellbeing. Any type of activity counts. Do something you enjoy; walk, bike ride, play tennis, etc. Dancing is a pretty fun way to burn off calories. For me, walking in nature on a beautiful sunny day is really enjoyable. Strength training also transforms your body. Whether you lift light weights or heavy weights, building lean muscle should be incorporated into the workout routine,

5. Get enough rest

Sleeping 8-10 hours a day is very important. Your body and mind need rest. Most people cannot sleep throughout the night, but uninterrupted, good-quality sleep is crucial. Many studies have shown that people who are sleep deprived, report having an increased appetite and a higher daily calorie intake. To get a good night’s sleep, I make sure I go to bed early, the room is dark, cool and quiet. Getting enough rest, recharges you and prepares you for a productive and successful new day.


Eating mostly whole foods, preparing meals in advance, eating dinner early, exercising daily and getting a good night’s sleep are all things that are interrelated and help me balance my life and maintain my goal weight.

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