Vegan Chipotle Burger 

🍔No Bun Chipotle Burger 🍅🥕🌱🥒🧅
Chipotle Black Bean Burger 
Chipotle Mayo 
Shredded Carrots
Broccoli Sprouts

🥦 Broccoli sprouts contain the highest concentrations of sulforaphane and indole-3-carbinol, two compounds that improve detoxification and immune function. 💚 Would you like to see how I sprout broccoli sprouts? 🌱

This is the perfect burger for those trying to cut carbs and lose weight. This is the method I use when I don’t have any gluten-free buns at home. GF buns are not easy to find either. 🤷🏻‍♀️

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