Boost Your Immune System – Part 5: Supplements

Supplements- “The reason one vitamin can cure so many illnesses is because a deficiency of one vitamin can cause many illnesses” Eating a balanced diet which includes a range of vitamins and minerals can positively affect a healthy immune system. Our busy lives prevent us from eating all the servings of nutrient foods that ourContinue reading “Boost Your Immune System – Part 5: Supplements”

3 Ways to Fight Cellulite

Unfortunately, most women are prone to getting cellulite. What you put in your month is one of the biggest factors that results in receiving that cottage cheese appearance on your thighs. Fried foods and white flour are the biggest enemy. To fight cellulite, drink lots of water and eat foods that contain large amounts ofContinue reading “3 Ways to Fight Cellulite”

Eat Fruit

Did you know that grape seeds contain compounds that may help ward off Alzheimer’s disease? Did you know that orange peel contains more vitamin C than the fruit itself? For more health benefits from fruits, check out the photo below and don’t forget to stock up the next time you are at the grocery store!Continue reading “Eat Fruit”

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