4 Things I No Longer Use


My family and I stopped using a microwave years ago. Microwaves are convenient appliances, however they are banned for use in many European countries, which made our decision easy. It’s best to avoid or limit use because they do have some negative effects on our heath and they denature the food nutrients.

Bad Oils

Some vegetable oils, especially canola oil, is genetically modified and it can lead to inflammation, heart disease, liver and kidney issues. When choosing a cooking oil or products that contain oil; look for olive oil, coconut oil and avocado oil. Try to avoid canola, corn, soybean and palm oil.


I changed my toothpaste years ago when I learned that flouride is a chemical and it is highly toxic to the liver. Flouride is also linked to cancer. It is most commonly found in our water and toothpaste. There are many other toothpaste options now which are much safer and beneficial for the teeth.


Soda contains loads of sugar which can have various adverse impacts on our health. In addition to sugar, these drinks also contain high levels of phosphate which can have an harmful effect on bone health. Also, acid from soda can irritate the stomach lining and cause heartburn and acid reflux as well as erode tooth enamel.

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