5 Tips to help lose weight & stay in shape this year

The most common New Year’s resolution is to lose weight, however 80% of New Year resolutions fail by the 2nd week of February. 🫠 Here are some tips to help you lose those extra pounds and stay fit. 💪🏼

1️⃣Practice intuitive eating
We have been taught to eat 3 big meals and snack in between whether we are hungry or not. Instead of following this, eat smaller meals throughout the day whenever you feel hungry. In addition, restricting yourself to counting calories leads to binge eating. 🤤

2️⃣Eat more whole foods
Focus on eating whole food plant-based to really nourish your body and get the fiber and carbohydrates needed. Get your protein from plants so you can avoid the animal product saturated fat that causes weight gain and leads to disease. 🍎🥬

3️⃣Get in the habit of meal prepping
By meal prepping you know exactly which ingredients are going into your food. It also helps to prevent reaching out for unhealthy options which are more confident to grab and go when the day gets busy. 🍽️

5️⃣Have your last meal early in the evening
Eat a few hours before you go to bed to give your body a chance to digest the food and rest while you’re sleeping. 🛌

5️⃣Move your body more
Move your body every day. Find actives you enjoy. Get out in nature and remember that even a daily 20 minute walk counts. 👟

Which tip has helped you the most to stay on track?