The benefits of a plant-based diet are enormous. 💚🌱Research shows that mostly a whole food plant-based lifestyle is the biggest contributor of optimal health and longevity. 🙌🏼 A plant-based diet can be beneficial for maintaining a healthy body weight and potentially lowering BMI (Body Mass Index). Plant-based diets are typically rich in fruits, vegetables, wholeContinue reading “Plant-Based Lifestyle Benefits”
Tag Archives: whole food plant based
Costco Grocery Haul 🌱 Mostly Whole Food Plant-Based (WFPB).
The term “whole” in WFPB describes foods that are minimally processed. I eat mostly whole, unrefined, plant-based foods because the benefits of this type of healthy lifestyle are enormous: 1. It prevents and reverses disease.2. It helps with maintaining ideal weight and having more energy.3. It helps you live longer.