Boost Your Immune System – Part 3: Rest & Sleep

Rest & Sleep – “You become what you feed your mind” Having one lazy day per week can help reduce stress, high blood pressure and improve mental health. Read or watch your favorite show during your off day. Avoid watching news or any negative information on a daily basis. It’s interesting to note that if youContinue reading “Boost Your Immune System – Part 3: Rest & Sleep”

Boost Your Immune System – Part 2: Exercise

Exercise – “Any exercise is better than no exercise” If you don’t have a lot of time, even 20 minutes of exercise a day makes a difference. Something as simple as walking for just 30 minutes a day, helps lose weight, reduce stress levels, lower blood pressure and improve immunity. A new study shows that regularContinue reading “Boost Your Immune System – Part 2: Exercise”

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