Boost Your Immune System – Part 2: Exercise

Exercise – “Any exercise is better than no exercise”

If you don’t have a lot of time, even 20 minutes of exercise a day makes a difference. Something as simple as walking for just 30 minutes a day, helps lose weight, reduce stress levels, lower blood pressure and improve immunity. A new study shows that regular exercise may help protect against severe Covid. Make exercise part of your morning routine so you can have a great start of the day, more energy and stay focused. In addition to cardiovascular workouts, strength training is also beneficial. There are many free videos online you can follow. Search for your favorite exercises on YouTube or if you have Amazon Prime, Prime Video offers free and paid exercise videos. Also, Peloton is offering free classes for a limited time and you don’t have to buy a bike to do strength, cardio, yoga and meditation sessions. Strength training reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, diabetes and Alzheimer’s. It increases strength and improves bone and muscle mass. Get stronger, leaner and healthier by strength training 3 times a week.

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