Boost Your Immune System – Part 1: FOOD

Even in the midst of a pandemic, there are some key things that could potentially improve your immune system.

Food – “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”

To have a balanced diet, eat more whole foods and eat a colorful diet. Make fruits and vegetables a staple in your diet. It is recommended to have at least 2 servings of fruit and 5 servings of vegetables a day. Start the morning with fruit. Fruit will give you energy for the day, cleanse your body and keep your brain sharp. In addition, a high fruit diet ensures you get an adequate amount of Vitamin C in your diet which is important for your immune system. Add some frozen blueberries to your oatmeal, smoothy or protein shake. Frozen blueberries deliver the biggest dose of disease fighting antioxidants. An apple a day does keep the doctor away. Gravitate towards red-skinned apples with the most color. You can even skip caffeine and eat an apple to wake you up in the mornng. Don’t miss out on the mother fruit; the avocado. Avocado is world’s most nutritious fruit with over 25 essential nutrients. Make your own avocado toast by mashing an avocado with olive oil, lime juice, sea salt and pepper. Add hemp seeds for protein. Spread it over a slice of sprouted grain bread. Green tea is also an excellent antioxidant and boosts your immunity against illnesses. Adding some ginger, lemon, mint and honey will provide additional benefits. Have your cheat meal, but keep in moderation and remember that every bite you take is either fighting disease or feeding it.

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