Benefits of Walking

Walking is a simple, low impact exercise that has tremendous health benefits. 🚶🏻‍♀️👟According to a New Mexico Highlands University study, walking increases brain power.👟According to the American Heart Association, walking improves heart health (lowers risk of high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes) as much as running.👟According to a University of East Anglia study, walkingContinue reading “Benefits of Walking”

Gardening Benefits 👩‍🌾

Getting outdoors and gardening can do more than just provide some physical activity and produce fruits, vegetables and herbs that have spent their life absorbing the sun’s rays. ☀️ Gardening can be very beneficial to the mind also by reducing anxiety and stress, decreasing depression, enhancing memory retention, reducing effects of dementia and improving happinessContinue reading “Gardening Benefits 👩‍🌾”

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