Vitamin Rich Salad 🥗

🌱Leafy Greens🌱Carrots🌱Purple Cabbage🌱Onion🌱Cilantro🌱Red Pepper🌱Lemon Juice🌱Sprouted Pumpkin Seeds @go_raw🌱Sprouted Sunflower Seeds @go_raw 🌶️Bell peppers have 6 times more Vitamin C as oranges and are also packed with Vitamin A and beta carotene. 💜Purple cabbage has a high percentage of photo-chemicals and it is great for boosting the immunce system and reducing inflammation in the body. 🥕Carrots are richContinue reading “Vitamin Rich Salad 🥗”

5 Tips to help lose weight & stay in shape this year

The most common New Year’s resolution is to lose weight, however 80% of New Year resolutions fail by the 2nd week of February. 🫠 Here are some tips to help you lose those extra pounds and stay fit. 💪🏼 1️⃣Practice intuitive eatingWe have been taught to eat 3 big meals and snack in between whetherContinue reading “5 Tips to help lose weight & stay in shape this year”

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