Vegan Banana Muffins

Every time I have a couple ripe bananas, I make these delicious vegan chocolate chips oatmeal muffins. Ingredients you need to make 6 muffins: 1 cup organic oats 2 large mashed ripe bananas 1/2 cup nut butter 1 TSP baking powder 2 TBSP maple syrup Optional ingredients: vegan chocolate chips, crack of salt, lots ofContinue reading “Vegan Banana Muffins”

A quick & Healthy Little Snack

Fruit is my favorite food. Juicy apples and berries are the first thing I eat every day. Recently I discovered a sweet dip made of dates and cinnamon in one of Medical Medium’s books: Life – Changing Foods. This book not only taught me about dates and introduced me to my daily healthy desert, butContinue reading “A quick & Healthy Little Snack”

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