The healthiest diet is a Whole Food Plant Based (WFPB) Diet 💚🌱 WFPB diet includes:whole grains, legumes, fruits, vegetables, and small quantities of nuts and seeds. It excludes refined foods, like added sugars, white flour, and processed oils. Emphasizes whole, minimally processed foods and avoids animal products. The more whole plant foods consumed, the lessContinue reading “THE HEALTHIEST DIET “

4 Things I No Longer Use

Use The Right Oil

I was recently watching a reality show and on the kitchen counter I noticed there was vegetable oil. It reminded me that I often see olive oil being used in healthy recipes even when baking at high temperatures. I have come to the conclusion that some use bad oils and some misuse good oils. SomeContinue reading “Use The Right Oil”

Coconut Water

One of the most refreshing drinks of the summer is coconut water. Coconut water re-hydrates the body and carries nutrients and oxygen to cells. It increases metabolism and promotes weight loss. It boosts the immune system by fighting viruses. It can help reduce blood pressure and increase healthy circulation. It balances the HP levels andContinue reading “Coconut Water”

A quick & Healthy Little Snack

Fruit is my favorite food. Juicy apples and berries are the first thing I eat every day. Recently I discovered a sweet dip made of dates and cinnamon in one of Medical Medium’s books: Life – Changing Foods. This book not only taught me about dates and introduced me to my daily healthy desert, butContinue reading “A quick & Healthy Little Snack”

Boost Your Immune System – Part 5: Supplements

Supplements- “The reason one vitamin can cure so many illnesses is because a deficiency of one vitamin can cause many illnesses” Eating a balanced diet which includes a range of vitamins and minerals can positively affect a healthy immune system. Our busy lives prevent us from eating all the servings of nutrient foods that ourContinue reading “Boost Your Immune System – Part 5: Supplements”

Boost Your Immune System – Part 4: Sunshine

Sunshine – “Nature itself is the best physician” Sunshine reduces stress and boosts mood. It is good for the brain, bone and immune health. It helps improve sleep, regulates appetite and metabolism. It helps skin produce vitamin D. Lack of vitamin D especially in the winter months is associated with lower immune system and depression. Sunlight can not only improveContinue reading “Boost Your Immune System – Part 4: Sunshine”

Boost Your Immune System – Part 2: Exercise

Exercise – “Any exercise is better than no exercise” If you don’t have a lot of time, even 20 minutes of exercise a day makes a difference. Something as simple as walking for just 30 minutes a day, helps lose weight, reduce stress levels, lower blood pressure and improve immunity. A new study shows that regularContinue reading “Boost Your Immune System – Part 2: Exercise”