Eating The Rainbow

Eating the rainbow is the best way to make sure we are getting all the nutrients our body needs. Plants contain different pigments or phytonutrients which give them color. By eating a variety of plants, we get specific nutrients that all together are linked to better overall health. 🌱What plants do you usually like toContinue reading “Eating The Rainbow”

Plant-Based For 4 Reasons

The question I get asked the most is why I have chosen a plant-based lifestyle. 🌱 Here are my reasons and please share yours. 💚1️⃣ For optimal healthThe right nutrition can help prevent and heal disease.2️⃣For longevityLook young, feel great and have natural energy. Who doesn’t want to live a long life if they areContinue reading “Plant-Based For 4 Reasons”

Benefits Of Lemon Water

The best time to drink it and how to consume it.💛 🍋The best time to drink lemon water is first thing in the morning, on an empty stomach. You should wait at least 20 minutes before eating or drinking anything else. 🍋 Drinking lemon water is an excellent way to hydrate, refresh and cleanse theContinue reading “Benefits Of Lemon Water”

Alfalfa Sprouts

I purchased the Alfalfa sprout seeds a year ago and finally grew them for the first time.  They are simple to grow by rinsing the seeds well and keeping them moist daily.  Alfalfa Sprouts are such a nutritious food packed with vitamins and minerals.  They contain chlorophyll and 8 essential amino acids which help increase bone strengthContinue reading “Alfalfa Sprouts”

How And Why To Clean Produce

We all have different methods of cleaning produce, but why we should wash all produce is even more important. ⚠️ In the past, I have tried many different ways of washing produce from white vinegar and baking soda to salt water. However, I have decided not to wash my produce with the same product (vinegar)Continue reading “How And Why To Clean Produce”

Epsom Salt Bath

What is your favorite way to relax? Mine is taking a bath on the weekends. 🛀 Epsom Salt baths have so many benefits. They are a mild form of magnesium therapy. Salt baths can help with pain relief, soothe irritated skin, lower stress, improve sleep and boost your mood. Do you take Epsom Salt baths?Continue reading “Epsom Salt Bath”

5 Morning Habits To Set You Up For Success

Your Morning Routine Affects Your Productivity And Success ☀️ There are also other habits I incorporate in my morning routine such as meditation and gratitude. 🧘🏻‍♀️Which one of the 5 habits👆would you like to know more about? Which one are you currently struggling with? 🫠 It takes time to form a habit, but knowing theContinue reading “5 Morning Habits To Set You Up For Success”

Gardening Benefits 👩‍🌾

Getting outdoors and gardening can do more than just provide some physical activity and produce fruits, vegetables and herbs that have spent their life absorbing the sun’s rays. ☀️ Gardening can be very beneficial to the mind also by reducing anxiety and stress, decreasing depression, enhancing memory retention, reducing effects of dementia and improving happinessContinue reading “Gardening Benefits 👩‍🌾”

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